Natural Ways To Boost Testosterone

Natural Ways To Boost Testosterone

Living an all-around healthy lifestyle is key to healthy hormone production. Multiple bad habits can suppress your bodies natural testosterone production. These are some of the commonly overlooked lifestyle choices that are slowly diminishing your testosterone. 

Sitting for long periods of time has been found to inactivate a specific fat-burning enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL). This results in negatively impacting the bodies fat burning capabilities, therefor increasing fat when in a caloric surplus.
A simple way to prevent this is by walking around for 2-5 minutes every 30-45 minutes. This simple habit can dramatically increase the body's metabolism and fat burning capabilities. 

Exercise plays a big role in healthy testosterone production and increasing muscle, but not just any type of exercise does this. Pushing your limits in the gym is the key to having these positive results, simply walking on the treadmill will do little to nothing in regards to increasing testosterone levels. 
High-intensity exercise pushes you to your anaerobic threshold, and this has a distinct positive effect on natural testosterone production. Though strenuous, the “burning” sensation you feel in your muscles after sprinting as fast as possible for 100 meters or lifting relatively heavy weight repeatedly is a positive sign. It tells you you’re pushing yourself hard enough to elicit the many metabolic and hormonal benefits of vigorous exercise. Even 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise, 3-4 times per week, can have profound effects on testosterone levels. 

Several studies have found that even acute alcohol intoxication (i.e. getting drunk one time) has been shown to reduce muscle protein synthesis by nearly 30%, and these effects appear to be specific to fast-twitch muscle fibers and muscle tissue surrounding the heart. One study also showed that acute alcohol intoxication decreased blood testosterone levels by upwards of 200 ng/100 mL in men.
On top of all the other negative health effects consuming alcohol has on the body, safe to say drinking should be cut down significantly if you are wanting to optimize your hormone production as much as possible. 

Not getting a proper amount of sleep (7-8hrs) is an easy way to reduce your testosterone levels by up to 15%. Regardless of how busy you are, or all the responsibilities you have to worry about, you can set aside adequate time for sleep. If not, you should seriously reevaluate where your priorities lie. 

Most men are overlooking how dramatically sunshine can affect testosterone levels and mood. The ultraviolet rays of the sun are Mother Nature’s way of activating vitamin D found in the skin.vitamin D deficiency is associated with mood disorders like depression. On the flip side, men with higher vitamin D levels typically have higher testosterone levels. Try to spend at least 20-30 minutes in the sun per day.

There is no “magic pill” that will make up for things like lack of sleep, not exercising, and going on weekend benders every month. But there is little changes in daily habits that can make a positive impact in testosterone production overtime.

Tongkat Ali is a natural ingredient known for its ability to support testosterone production and male health. Incorporating supplements that contain Tongkat Ali can be a beneficial addition to your testosterone-boosting regimen.

Evidence based natural ingredients such as Tongkat Ali combined with other natural ingredients such as Fadogia Argrestis, Ashwagandha, and Mucurna Puriens help when you've established a healthy lifestyle, resulting in optimum testosterone production. Our Natural Testosterone Booster VT-12 contains all of these and more, clinically formulated to Amplify your natural Testosterone production.

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